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October 23, 2007



Well, Mr 10 Tips, you have provided excellent advice as always. I would add: Avoid employment agents like the plague (unless you absolutely need something they offer- and that's a rare situation). I've seen too many people thoroughly screwed over by such agents.

China and I

Hi Chris,

Once, I was contacted by such kind of agency. I felt it was a lost of time; I didn't even sent my resume to them.
As the German guy who contacted me this mrning said: "if you look for a job from China you have 5% chance to find one while in Germany you have 90% chance".
PS: Thanks to the South Africans! I think you will understand me, Chris.


hello!!! i'm a student here in shanghai and i'm doing a project about cross cultural communication in shanghai.

i have a super quick survey below, just click the link, just 10 multiple choice questions aimed at trying to figure out what is the hardest part about communicating in shanghai! hopefully by the end of my research i can create a graphic design solution to a problem i find, but not without your help! thank you so much i really appreciate it, or should i say....xie xie.

also please feel free to reply to this post about the hardest parts/problems about living in shanghai, etc.. and perhaps we can start a dialogue, i'm interested in any and all information!

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