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« A rule of law in China? | Main | China: from red to green »

November 12, 2007



I had one of Grace Vineyards' wines a couple of weeks back, and I have to say, I was impressed. It didn't have that thick feeling in the background that most Chinese wines have. I found it to be pretty similar to Australian wines: You could taste it was good quality, it went down well, but still a bit lacking in the flavour. Still, good stuff, and I'd happily recommend it.

And I definitely prefer beer to wine... But good wine is good wine.

China and I

Hi Chris,

I favor....both but in small quantity! Grace Vineyard is a promising Chinese wine. Let's see what they do over the next 10-15 years. The difference they have compared to Dragon Seal or Dynasty is they use only Chinese grapes while the above mentioned brands mixed Hebei grapes with imported ones mainly from Europe.
Let's have a drink one of these days when I come back from France and the Middle East! Just hope the French strikers will let me come back! Cross the fingers!


Yeah, I'm up for a drink or two when you get back. Good luck with the strikers!

China and I

Only to think about it, gives me headache! We have currently on strike: the public railway company, th public gas company, the lawyers, the university students, the judges, the public electricity company, Air France was on strike last month but plans another one later in November, Paris subway company is on strike and in some provinces the postal service. Welcome to France!

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